

Sauna Rental



Good morning, Thermaculture Enthusiasts – 

This has been a difficult and strange week across the globe, and we here at Stokeyard Outfitters are actively looking forward to the other side, while also looking deeply at what we can do right now to maintain maximum health – mental and physical.

It’s unfortunate that this week was slated as my first guest blog. CoFounder John Pederson was on his way to Maui, and I was going to write something fun and funny to fill up his absence. Instead, his trip was cancelled and we can’t get silly because there is some serious stuff to consider, and real information we need to share.

Earlier this week we halted Sauna Village and Hewing Hotel programming to align with the global efforts to slow the spread of COVID19. During this cessation, we are focused on gathering the best information, and improving the facilities.

Our friends Hannah Hamalainen & Justin Juntunen (at Little Red Sauna and Cedar & Stone respectively) put together an incredible report on what we know, and what we don’t know, about the safety of public saunas. 

We ask that you please read, and leave any questions, comments, or clarifications in the comments section – or write to us directly. We want this information to be dynamic – a community discussion – so that our collective understanding and safety is primary.

We are firmly in the camp that maintaining a regular Sauna practice is a best defense against all forms of illness. To that end, we will be offering private rentals of our mobile pods, and private takeovers of Sauna Village. And stay tuned for our re-opening – this spring and summer will be extraordinary, and we can’t wait to have you be a part of it all.


Peace & Wellness,

Teke O’Reilly